
要數說歷來各廠的電單車4缸機器,Suzuki的「大R」- GSX-R750 必定榜上有名。近年廠方以其作基礎,大玩設計、偏向街車風格的GSX-S750應運而生,成為各車迷的新寵兒,更被人評論為「無缺點」、「零死角」的中量級街車!


Kawasaki歷年的「小忍、中忍」橫掃東南亞市場,由直二的Ninja 300、400,以至直四的ZX-25R、ZX-4RR,相信各車友不會感到陌生,廠方近年保持投放資源發展這個輕、中量級別跑車市場,2023米蘭車展首度發布新一代的中量級車型 – Ninja 500,將「中忍」的設備和性能上來個大提升!

Honda CRF450R作為賽道專用的場地車,車身設計均以「競賽」為主要考慮,不設頭燈、方向燈等安全性部件,不符合運輸處出牌的規格,無法在馬路行駛。不過由Honda歐洲分公司與西班牙Montesa在意大利的合資企業「Red Moto」特意將CRF450R改裝調整,全力保留此車的「純種」競速配置,同時加配道路安全部件及調整車款的排放標準,將此款場地越野車重新打造成可合法出牌在馬路行駛的版本CRF450RX Supermoto!

說起電單車界的「概念車」,有一定車齡的車友都會記得Honda在2008年推出的DN-01,除了車身設計夠劃時代般科幻前衛外(想像一下2008年普遍車款),是當年出街收視率最高的電單車,更搭載Honda廠獨家開發新型自動變速箱「HFT」(Human-Friendly Transmission)。承繼DN-01車系,廠方在2014年起斷斷續續推出同樣搭載自動變速系統的NM4系列,更因其科幻外觀,NM4曾與攻殼機動隊真人版電影合作。

近年各日本大廠投放不少資源在復古、巡航系電單車的設計開發。其中1985年已推出的Kawasaki Eliminator系列,外型看似美式巡航車,實際設計更適合在城市街道行駛,近年在亞洲地區掀起熱潮。Kawasaki今年特意推出日本版及歐洲版Eliminator,劍指Honda的同款電單車Rebel市場!

A century-old heavy rainstorm caused heavy losses to many people, and many cars parked on the streets in the hardest-hit areas are believed to have died heroically. However, it is time to start again after the wind and rain. In case my car unfortunately becomes flooded in this black rain, should I go for maintenance? In theory, a flooded car can be repaired, but it may take a lot of manpower and material resources and a large number of replacement parts. In the end, the cost may be similar to buying a new car.

If you have planned to buy a car in recent years, I believe that the bikers around you or the online media will mention that the new generation of motorcycles are equipped with different "electronic control" equipment, which makes the motorcycles faster and safer. However, each motorcycle has different electronic control equipment. If you want to understand the true purpose of each electronic control and compare the most suitable motorcycle for you, it will be difficult. Therefore, Helmet King will explain the uses of various electronic controls one by one for everyone today, so that everyone can better understand their car! The system names of each manufacturer may not be the same, but their functions are roughly the same. You can flexibly use the information in this article.

Generally, MOTORCYCLISTS are quite familiar with the four major Japanese brands, as WELL AS DUCATI, BMW and other European brands, but in fact, the world of motorcycles may be broader than you think! Today, Helmet King will introduce to you other relatively unpopular and emerging motorcycle brands in the world. Among them, there are also pure electric motorcycle brands with quite powerful performance. If you are interested and enthusiastic about motorcycles, don't miss today's introduction!

Many knights hope that their cars can have the hot-blooded appearance of sports cars, but at the same time they can also combine the practicality and riding comfort of street cars. In response to market demand, major automakers have launched sports cars, but in their bones, regardless of seat height and power adjustment, they are more suitable for daily riding.The street sports car is a very popular type of car in recent years. Today, Helmet King will introduce you to the eight popular street sports cars in Hong Kong at once. If you want to start a street sports car, you must not miss it!