If the motorcycle tires are such as the feet of a track and field runner, the suspension system ("shock absorber" as the saying goes) is equivalent to the knee joint, which functionally keeps the wheels in contact with different types of ground and supports the body when driving. Suspension settings have a very obvious impact on motorcycle handling performance and driving comfort. When new cars leave the factory, automakers generally temporarily set up the suspension system according to the preset average value; however, the weight of different drivers, the road conditions they often face, and the driving style are different, so it is best to make a personalized adjustment after buying a car to ensure the integration of people and cars! Wearing a helmet, the purpose of this article is to briefly explain the basic concept of adjusting the Preload. If you want to go a little further, the safest way is of course to contact the Helmet King garage and a team of professional masters will help you!
- 懸掛下垂量(Sag)- 懸掛壓縮的距離,調較懸掛系統時首要檢查的項目。自由下垂(Free Sag)是指電單車懸掛未負載重時的下垂量;騎乘時下垂(Rider Sag)是指穿車手騎上電單車後,懸掛承受負重壓縮後的距離。
- 懸掛預載(Preload)- 透過調較預載增加/減少懸掛下垂量,以達致最佳的騎乘時下垂(Rider Sag)
- 檢查前叉與搖臂組件是否狀況良好,有沒有漏油
- 起大架將前輪抬離地面(或落側架再打側車身令前轆離地),用呎測量前叉腳露出部分,以毫米為單位寫低數值(簡稱「A」數值)
將「A」數值減去「B」數值,即可得出騎乘時下垂(Rider Sag)數值。一般而言,落場賽車的Rider Sag大約為30至35毫米;代步通勤大約為35至45毫米。實際情況按車廠手冊、懸掛系統品牌型號或個人喜好而定
透過調較前叉的預載(Preload),以達到心儀的騎乘時下垂(Rider Sag)數值。調高預壓=減少下垂數值,調低預壓=增加下垂數值。不同前叉的調較預載位置各有不同,一般位於前叉頂部
調完前叉,便要調後搖臂。過程大致相同,不過量度時一般以後轆車軸和車尾的距離作量度。得出Rider Sag數值後,再調較搖臂的預載(Preload)以達到心儀Rider Sag數值
跟足以上步驟,你便做完最基本的懸掛預載設定;更進階的、例如調較懸掛回彈/壓縮比例與硬度,最理想的是透過不斷的個人化調校及路面測試,又或咨詢頭盔王車房 (https://helmetking.com/pages/garage)的專業人士,找出最適合自己的設定!